Tag: COVID-19 virus

Consider these insightful advices on COVID and rapid antigen tests

COVID-19 testing will begin shortly in the Myrtle Beach region of South Carolina, with three sites employing the PCR swab rapid antigen tests, the same test utilized in Alabama, where your health is giving 26,600 PCR rapid antigen tests in 33 locations over 41 testing days. your health provides easy consumer engagement technologies to analyze, plan, and deliver outcomes in all deployments.

Your health has access to all COVID-19 diagnostic rapid antigen tests and can tailor a program to the specific requirements of each community. In this regard, your health will be giving us some expert tips as regards COVID and rapid antigen tests.

1.) Take testing seriously

2) Take an active role in rapid antigen tests.

Dr. Ashish Jha, dean of the Brown School of Public Health, has recommended that communities begin broad screening of the highest-risk individuals… before they exhibit signs of COVID-19.

“It is a paradigm change,” Jha told National Public Radio. “I believe that increased rapid antigen tests capability enables us to play offense – to search for illness before it spreads and to detect asymptomatic individuals before they disseminate it to others. It really becomes a matter of avoiding epidemics — not just containing them once they emerge.”

That is the objective at the University of Mississippi, where rapid antigen tests started in early September for asymptomatic students, teachers, and staff.

The university’s Sentinel Rapid antigen tests Program, in collaboration with TourHealth, aims to improve university authorities’ knowledge of the virus’s existence among asymptomatic carriers and how it spreads on campus. read more about the reliability of these Covid test kits at http://smokefreebristol.com/how-accurate-are-rapid-antigen-tests/

COVID Symptoms

Each week, a random sample of students, instructors, and staff is invited to have a free asymptomatic coronavirus test. The findings are often available within hours through the Gov2Go app and assist authorities in adjusting measures while identifying asymptomatic carriers who may have disseminated the infection elsewhere on campus.

3) Test findings serve merely as a marker for a certain point in time. Make provision for frequent rapid antigen tests.

When gathering big groups on a regular basis, it is critical to establish a COVID-19 rapid antigen tests cadence. The results are solely indicative of the time period in which the test was conducted. As seen lately in numerous outbreaks, a negative test does not ensure that an individual will not catch COVID-19, thus it is critical that everyone continues to follow the CDC’s recommended standards for hand washing, sanitizing, and wearing masks.

The rapid antigen tests cadence is a critical choice that leaders must make depending on the local risk of community spread and the demography of the region. While weekly or biweekly rapid antigen tests may be sufficient for persons living in low-risk locations and capable of maintaining social distance, more regular COVID-19 rapid antigen tests may be necessary for places with higher-risk circumstances.

Simultaneously, the order in which a test is delivered does matter when it comes to COVID-19. Without any known exposure to the virus, someone might test negative one day and positive the next.

To assist assure the accuracy of findings, the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 require testing laboratories to be accredited (CLIA).

However, Dr. Gerson noted that no laboratory test is flawless. False negatives and false positives are not always indicative of a mistake. Bayesian statistics has an effect on how a laboratory test will work. Repeating rapid antigen tests on a regular basis helps solve the issue of erroneous findings.

Clinical Supplies offers onsite COVID-19 rapid antigen tests that may be modified to meet the specific requirements of a community. Testing facilities may be established for short-term, one-time events or for long-term, recurrent testing at universities, government agencies, and enterprises.

Through the end of November, the University of Mississippi will provide testing two days a week. We are now into our second month of testing five to seven days a week in Florida, testing over 90,000 individuals.

4) Logistical arrangements will be complicated. Attend to your population’s needs.

Reopening requires forethought. Consider the population you serve. Is it a tourist hotspot or a place with a youthful population? After that, antigen COVID-19 testing centers that use an app to identify locations, make appointments, and distribute results may be the best choice. For instance, South Florida is a popular tourist destination with a large number of people on the go. Each day, TourHealth tests hundreds of individuals around the nation using Gov2Go technology.

Parts of South Florida also have a growing older population, which needs speedy rapid antigen tests results, but communicating with this audience through an app or internet technology is not always the ideal option. Additionally, Clinical Supplies ensured that written instructions and a support phone line with live English and Spanish-speaking agents were available at all rapid antigen tests locations for individuals seeking a more personalized testing experience.

Communities must be adaptable, using both technology and more conventional customer service methods, in order to connect and interact with diverse people.

5) The importance of documentation and reporting cannot be overstated.

Another procedural concern is properly recording and reporting COVID-19 rapid antigen tests findings to community members and government health agencies.

Many persons are required to produce verification of negative COVID-19 rapid antigen tests before returning to work or school, making it critical that rapid antigen tests suppliers can swiftly offer written confirmation of rapid antigen tests findings through email or another user-friendly format. Clinical Supplies sends findings through email and using the secure Gov2Go portal.

Typically, all testing activities must be regulated by several supervision authorities to guarantee that verified reports are given to the proper regulatory bodies. To guarantee compliance and quality assurance, TourHealth simplifies reporting by combining findings with government reporting standards.

What Comes Next?

While testing for COVID-19 is the primary focus at the moment, communities must also prepare for flu season. Individuals may need testing for both COVID-19 and influenza. Fortunately, there is rapid antigen tests that can identify COVID-19, influenza A/B, and respiratory syncytial virus concurrently (RSV). The single-panel rapid antigen tests, which can identify many kinds of infections, may assist physicians in diagnosing patients and making treatment choices.

In conclusion

Leaders face enormous pressure to reopen safely. With so many variables to consider, it is critical to work with a reputable testing partner.

Clinical Supplies is a COVID-19 testing solution developed by NIC, Inc., Impact Health, and Next Marketing in collaboration with NIC, Inc., Impact Health, and Next Marketing. It brings together industry professionals in digital solutions, health care, and logistics, using their combined 80 years of expertise.

Why should I stop Smoking?

Health benefits

When your body is smoke-free it can start to repair the damage that has been done by years of smoking.

Going smoke-free is the biggest single thing you can do to improve your health.. and the best news is the health benefits are immediate!   Click here to learn quitting smoking success stories. Smoking is very dangerous for health, it has become more dangerous in this age of pandemic, you can learn more about the COVID-19 virus and its testing at http://smokefreebristol.com/consider-these-insightful-advices-on-covid-and-rapid-antigen-tests/

 Quitting timeline 

  • 20 minutes
    Your blood pressure and pulse rate return to normal.
  • 8 hours
    Nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in blood reduce by half and oxygen levels return to normal.
  • 24 hours
    Carbon monoxide eliminated from your body. Lungs start to clear out mucus and other smoking debris.
  • 48 hours
    Congratulations! Your body is now nicotine-free. And have you noticed how your sense of taste and smell have improved?
  • 72 hours
    Your breathing becomes easier, bronchial tubes begin to relax and energy levels increase.
  • 2-12 weeks
    Circulation is now improved throughout your body. It’s easier for you to walk and exercise.
  • 3-9 months
    Lung efficiency is up by 5-10%. Breathing problems are fading away. Say goodbye to coughing, shortness of breath and wheezing.
  • 5 years
    Risk of heart attack falls to about half that of a smoker.
  • 10 years
    Your chance of getting lung cancer is now half that of a smoker. Your chance of having a heart attack is now the same as someone who never smoked.

There are over 4,000 chemicals in cigarettes, and 51 of them are known to be carcinogenic. A carcinogen is something that causes cancer.  What cancers are caused by smoking? 

Nicotine withdrawal symptoms

Physical withdrawal from nicotine is temporary, but it can be uncomfortable while it lasts. Quitter’s flu is a term used to describe this phase of smoking cessation because nicotine withdrawal symptoms often mimic a cold or a mild case of the flu. Understanding what to expect when you quit smoking will help you move through this stage more easily. 

The following list contains commonly reported symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. Most people experience some of these, but rarely all of them. Each person goes through this phase of recovery from nicotine addiction a little differently. But for most people, these discomforts are short-lived. 

  • Cravings to smoke
  • Irritable, cranky
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Headache
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Constipation, gas, stomach pain
  • Dry mouth
  • Sore tongue and/or gums

 Check with your doctor if you’re concerned about a physical reaction you’re having to smoke cessation, or if nicotine withdrawal symptoms persist.

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